India will be left without its singles with the highest rating and doubles the players, Sumit Nagal and Yuki Bhambr, respectively, for the Davis Cup 2025 World Group I Tail, planned on February 1-2. The duet made itself inaccessible from a certain dispute with the administrators. The captain of the India team Rochit Rajpal admitted that the duet has complaints in the ALL India (Aita) tennis association and hoped that they would soon return to action. “Yuki and Sumit both played for the country. They have some complaints, I think, with several people in Ayt, who should be sorted. We are working on this. But I still believe that you know, from my captain Vyzha Amritraj, our values that we passed on to generations and which were transferred to me, this is that, you know, your nation is in the first place.
“There are no conditions that you set for your country. Regardless of what it is, you throw everything and play and play for your country. This is what I expect from my players, and this is what my elders taught me. Thus, these values must be instilled. We need to return these boys, playing for us. And I hope that the boys will return to the team, ”Ins Rajpal said.
The team of the Davis Cup, who played that five participants – Sasikumar Mukund, Kamkumar Ramanatan, Karan Singh, N. Syrram Baladzhi and Ritwik Chuudari Bolipalli. Along with Arya, Shah, Chirag Duchan and Juvaan Nandal were added to the team. They will train with the Indian team, and this will be an excellent exposition for each of them.
Rajpal continued to indicate the importance of caring for youth along with the preparation of the team to the best of their abilities.
“This is very important for us. We do it very consciously. You know, many of our players turn to doubling. They also get old. Thus, we definitely need the next party, which is now going and knocking on the door. This is very important because every good player does not make a good player in the Davis Cup.
“Davis’s pressure is very, very different from the game for himself on the tour. So, the next batch of players, where we have all these boys, Aryan, Chirag, Juvan, Manas, I think this is the future of Indian tennis.
“It is important for them to practice in the atmosphere of the Davis Cup, sit on a bench, understand and get the conditionality of the pressure that the Davis Cup brings to you. So, this is what we do at the moment, getting their kind of impact so that when they are when they are They come to court for the first time, they are not newcomers to this kind of pressure, ”he added.
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