After urging India to revive the Ranji Trophy after failing in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, batting legend Sunil Gavaskar is happy that captain Rohit Sharma will feature in Mumbai’s upcoming match against Jammu and Kashmir. There is. Rohit last played in a Ranji Trophy match in 2015, but given his status, extra security was provided for the upcoming match and the seating capacity was increased by the authorities to a maximum of 500 people. Rohit, who struggled for runs during the Australian tour, will have to make major adjustments if he is to continue his career in the longest format.
Defending Ranji Trophy champions Mumbai will resume the second match of the premier domestic competition against the formidable J&K team at the Sharad Pawar Cricket Academy in BKC here from Thursday.
Gavaskar, who was enraged by the performance of India’s top batsmen like Rohit Down Under, is happy to see his captain achieve difficult yards in the domestic circuit.
“Yes, that’s good because he didn’t have any runs in Australia so he knows he needs to spend time in the middle. “I know how much of a slowdown you’re facing when you’re in the middle of the bat and knowing that if you make a mistake you’re going to be sent back to the pavilion and still score, it’s a big, big difference. ” said Sunil Gavaskar. today’s india.
Rohit is included in Mumbai’s 17-man squad along with fellow Test opener Yashasvi Jaiswal, and a large crowd is expected to attend on match day at the Mumbai Cricket Association’s BKC facility here.
However, if the Mumbai side regularly plays Ranji Trophy league matches, seating arrangements can only be made for a maximum of 500 people.
“Additional security arrangements have been made and the fan capacity has been increased to a maximum of 500,” an MCA official told PTI.
Mumbai are placed third in Elite Group A behind leader Baroda and second place J&K and will need to be at their best to stay ahead of the competition.
With PTI input
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