According to reports, the players of Kabaddy from Tamilnad, who participated in the inter -referred contest in Batind, Penjab, were attacked on Friday. The reports claimed that the battle began after the players were unhappy with the decision of the Referee of the match. Students-sportsmen from various universities, such as the University of Mother Teresa, the University of Periyara, the University of Alagappa and the University of Bharatiar, participated in the championship between the University of the Northern Zone and all the Indian University of Kabaddy (women) 2024-25
According to the report c India todayThe athletes were allegedly attacked by the players of the rival team. The report added that the “dishonest attack”, caused by the University of Mother Teresa during a game at the University of Darbhaning, led to a quarrel. The referee of the match Kabaddy attacked a member of the Mother’s team of Teresa after the argument spoke after the appeal.
In the video, which has become viral on social networks, players can be seen, encountered by several men. It is unclear from the video whether they were officials or spectators. The chairs were also thrown by both sides.
It is shocking that women -players of Tamilnada, who went to play in Kabaddy in Punjab, were attacked. The attack occurred during the Kabadi match between Penjab and Tamil Az. I urge the chief minister of Penjab Bhagant Mann Ji to accept an appropriate investigation and actions on the attackers. …
– Devakumar (@devakumaroFFCL) January 24, 2025
The deputy chief minister of Tamilnad Uzhayanidhi Stalin said that the girls are safe and will soon return to the state.
“This morning there was a small incident. I talked with the director of physical education, Mr. Kalaiarasi. Now everything is under control. No serious injuries or something else. Students gave first aid. They will return to Delhi, and they will be done to stay in Delhi -House (Tamil In House in Delhi).
#LOOK | Chennai: In relation to Kabaddy players from the state who attacked Penjab, deputy Tamilnada K.M. Uliyanidhi Stalin says: “This morning there was a small incident. I talked with the director in physical …
– years (@ani) January 24, 2025
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